Medical Spa in Surprise, AZ
Obtain smooth, healthy skin from skincare experts by coming in to our soothing salon. We're a brand new medical spa in Surprise, AZ, with state-of-the-art technology that allows us to provide high-quality service. Alycan Design Medispa is your local spot for getting a massage, removing a tattoo, or simply rejuvenating your skin to retain that glow. No matter your goal or pigmentation, we're here to make your skin feel and look like you've always wanted.
According to the New American Academy of Dermatology, 69% of women believe their skin makes them look older than they feel inside. You don't want to have your age constantly misinterpreted; especially when that might prevent you from doing the things you love. Our medical spa services ensure that your outside matches your inside, making you feel as beautiful as you are.
*As with any treatment, results may vary from person to person.